Prayer Room Policy

No eating in the prayer room, and please only bring in bottled water or beverage in a closed container to avoid spillage.

Do not talk on your cell phones in the prayer room. If you must receive your calls, place your phone to vibrate, and return the call outside the prayer room.

When you pray during any ministry time that is invited from the platform (healing, etc.), please stand in front of the person you are praying for (preferably guys with guys, and girls with girls); limit the placement of your hand to the “prayer triangle” (shoulders/arms and top of head), and keep your hand still (versus rubbing, massaging.)

Do not use any implements or props in worship. Flags, banners, sticks, swords, or musical instruments (e.g., tambourines, shofars) are not allowed.

There are to be no conversations in the prayer room, unless leaders are talking and it directly pertains to the current prayer meeting. If you find yourself needing to talk with someone, please go out to the foyer.

Personal vocal volume should be proportional to, or not exceeding, the platform volume. If you pray on the microphone, please do not scream your prayer.

Bare feet are not permitted in the prayer room.

Do not put your feet on the chairs, including up on the back.

No running in the prayer room. Unless everyone is.

Unless there are times of congregational dance (which will be very clear), limit your dancing to the designated area to not distract others.

Parents, please keep your children with you at all times during prayer or services. Children should be supervised in the prayer room.

No lying down on the chairs or sleeping (“camping out”).

If we have a crowded prayer meeting, limit your personal space to one chair.

If you find yourself in a time of travail or manifestation that is outwardly demonstrative, we would prefer that you make use of one of the other rooms at the church (see leadership). We desire for you to have a place to express and engage your heart with the Lord, knowing that He will continue to operate in a private context, and we want the rest of the room to be undistracted in their engagement with the Lord.